Plateau subdivisions have their share of rat problems and Overdale is no exception.  Three different pest exterminator companies have been seen in Overdale recently.  One homeowner reports that rats nested under his parked truck’s hood since Christmas and destroyed engine wiring in the process.  He’s been able to catch a few to bring down the population.
If you know of anyone in Overdale who is free-feeding animals outside, please ask them to stop.  Some people think that leaving out food scraps for the birds or crows is necessary during the winter.  It’s not. The food on the ground encourages rats.
Feeding dogs or cats outside also can attract rats.  Leaving out dog kibble for wildlife is ill-advised.  A homeowner has reported that crows have been dropping dog kibble on their driveway and squirrels have been stashing dog kibble pieces around their yard.  This only means that someone is free-feeding dog kibble where these animals can grab pieces.
Birdfeeders should be hung away from supporting tree limbs.  Wonder who has been eating your birdseed at night?  Could be rats!
The Washington State Department of Fish & Wildlife has a very resourceful webpage regarding rats.
Categories: News Briefs