As we all tend to our much loved lots, this page will be a resource to stay connected and potentially get some ideas for your own gardening endeavors! May they be plentiful!

Problem Plants

👏🏽👏🏽 A big applause to Overdale neighbors bravely working to remove English ivy (Hedera helix).  It’s so pretty!  Why remove it?  English ivy is a non-native, invasive plant originally brought to N. America by English and European settlers for ornamental purposes. It’s invasive vines and seeds have caused it to spread so rampantly in the Pacific Northwest that it is now on the noxious weed list in WA and Oregon, in fact it can’t be sold or imported into Oregon anymore.  Mature ivy smothers native plants and habitat, creating ivy deserts and diminishing important biodiversity.  Trees have been known to topple from the weight of the heavy climbing vines.  

Some (irresponsible) nurseries still sell it because it grows quickly and takes no maintenance.  People toss their old Mothers Days baskets into the wilds thinking the remains will compost but the ivy takes off and becomes the neighborhood bully.

We often think it looks attractive on walls but the aggressive vines can creep into gutters, lift tiles and provide habitat for rodents. The roots can burrow into masonry compromising foundations. Once removed, the fibrous vines leave a footprint on buildings that is difficult to remove.

To remove from trees., the vines must be cut at the bottom and allowed to die back before pulling down.  The roots need to be dug out and monitored regularly as it will return for years.

Overdale is home to at least 5 present and past Master Gardeners.  In past years Master Gardeners had a booth at Squak Mt. Nursery and at Pickering Farmers Market.  They  shared science based gardening information on all gardening topics and sent plant specimens into their lab, at no cost to the public, if they couldn’t identify the problem or plant.